A downloadable Video game for Windows

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Enjoy my simple ragdoll engine game I built on Scratch. There's not much to say about it, but I'll give you some stuff:


F to fall

R to ragdoll

Arrow keys to move

X to hide tips

Z to show tips

Click button to release/add gravity

I hope you enjoy the animations too, since they were hard to make.

Also, feel free to test it online at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/855223220/ to provide feedback!

This game will probably have to be opened by opening a new scratch project, clicking "file," then "load from your computer," and then click the game's file. This means www.scratch.mit.edu or scratch 3 is needed.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Crusty Ragdoll Engine v1.0.sb3 866 kB